2 years ago we started work in the Dominican Republic and pastor Henry took over a church in a very poor community on the outskirts of Santo Domingo. The church building was unsafe and about ready to fall down. Hands Giving Hope and others helped build a new fresh concrete structure that is a safe...
1 year 4 month’s ago Hands Giving Hope started its ministry in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic continuing its program “the Gospel Thru Sports” teaching kids baseball skills while investing in their spiritual growth. With pastor Henry at the helm he was looking for a community where we could plant a church. God answered...
God is good!!! He has provided through generous supporters of HGH to build the walls of His church. The walls are funded and almost complete. The good news is we have $300 left to go towards the roof, The balance needed to complete the roof is $1,500.00. If you would like to help click donate...
A year ago HGH took over a church in an impoverished community on the outskirts of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. Over this past year we have built up the church with the preaching of pastor Henry and doing multiple out reaches in the community. Most recently with the shortage of food because of...