The following is a report from pastor Daniel speaking from his heart his gratitude and also the continuing needs that exist in the community of Katukuri. As a deep well has been dug and the people of Katukuri will never need for water again, we continue to work to improve the lives of these very...
Hands Giving Hope continues to make an impact in Katukuri a Turkana community. Recently the Turkana county government came to us and gave us 3 months to install bathrooms and a water tank at our school or they were going to shut the school down. HGH scrambled and was determined to raise the funds for...
This is a church building in Katukuri that with the help of pastor Peter and pastor Daniel we have started Sunday services and Wednesday bible studies. I was strongly urging pastor Daniel to start up these services to invest in the spiritual health of the Turkana people. One of the issues was pastor Daniels travel...
This is the 3rd load of supplies delivered to our Turkana school project. Our school continues to operate well with our classrooms growing and a very popular feeding program. After years or developing relationships with this community (Katukuri) Hands Giving Hope approached them with different opportunities as to how we could help. All parents wanted...