Hands Giving Hope loading water, clothes, hand sanitizer, backpacks and other items for disaster relief work in Lake Charles Louisiana and surrounding communities. Looking at a 18 hr. drive in a 26′ truck.
This is the 3rd load of supplies delivered to our Turkana school project. Our school continues to operate well with our classrooms growing and a very popular feeding program. After years or developing relationships with this community (Katukuri) Hands Giving Hope approached them with different opportunities as to how we could help. All parents wanted...
Hands Giving Hope continues to feed children in Imphal and surrounding communities. Pastor Santa praying with the children before they eat. As our pastors continue traveling to surrounding villages feeding kids suffering and hurting because of food shortages due to covid-19, Pastor Santo feeds local kids every Sunday.
Turkana School in Katukuri, a remote community in Kenya.Project: building water tower and bathrooms for our existing school.After equipment has been brought on site they start digging trenches, line them with plastic and fill them with water. This is used to mix the cement. When project is complete the plastic is removed and trenches are...
We are so excited to see the first load of supplies for our water tower and bathrooms arrive in Katukuri. These supplies came from Nairobi, its a very long, bumpy, hot drive. The second load is on it’s way, however we’ve been told the truck has broken down so it will be delayed another day....
HGH started working on the Navajo Nation in the mid 1990’s. Harry Coleman was one of the first friends we made, and it ended up to be a friendship that was nurtured and became long lasting. Harry was a jokester. I used to tell people, only believe half of what he tells you. As our...
Covid-19 is causing lack of food and hunger in remote areas of Honduras. Hands Giving Hope is feeding children daily in a small community in La Esperanza. The children bring their cups and they are filled with rice milk.
In 2019 Hands Giving Hope built this school in the remote Turkana community of Katukuri. These beautiful children had been meeting under the tree’s for three years before we were able to build this school building for them. Now, nearly a year later we’ve received generous donations to build bathrooms and a water tower for...
9 years ago Hands Giving Hope opened up a daycare/ pre-school in southeast Asia for children of migrant workers. It was very successful and made a big difference in many children’s lives. Without getting to detailed, COVID-19 and other situations caused the closing of our pre-school in Feb. 2020. I sure do miss the kids...
The following is Hands Giving Hope’s report from pastor Daniel who oversee’s our Turkana project. Pastor Daniel lives in Lodwar and travels 2 hours to make sure our vision is moving forward. He works very hard and is doing a great job. Thank you pastor Daniel. Dear Brethren, greetings. I open this chance to pray...